Upload Project to RANCH (button): open ‘Upload with RANCHSync’ window to render the project on the RANCH.
The log window is the most important place within RANCHecker because you can check everything here. Each line represents one information. You have 4 different types of line, which are:
Info: It’s fine.
Advice: An advice of how a parameter should be set in your scene. It’s a kind of warning line but it does not change anything in your scene. You can ignore this if you are sure of all your parameters.
Warning: A modification in your scene had to be done. You have to be aware of what is written.
Error: Something is wrong in your scene or there is a missing option that you have not selected. If you have an error line, try to find a solution to make the error line disappeared. If you can’t solve the problem, feel free to contact us, we’ll be glad to help you!
Advanced Settings
RANCHecker Advanced Settings window can be opened by clicking the ‘Need Help?’ button then by selecting ‘Open Advanced Settings’. By default, all the settings are not filled/checked.
Archive folder: Change the archive directory where the VU3 archive files are stored.
Export folder: Change the export directory.
MultiBand Prepass Def.: Allow you to reduce the prepass size for V-Ray and Mental Ray still images.
Log Line Height: Set the height of the log lines.
No Log Grid Lines: Remove the grid in the log.
Dummy For Missing: Create a dummy file for some missing assets.
Exclude Laubwerk assets: Exclude Laubwerk assets (we support the default assets paths).
Do Not Use RANCHSync: To keep using the website to Manage the projects (not recommended).
Packer Alternative: Use another packer (in case ou have issue with the main packer).
Pack On The Fly: Allow you to pack the assets without the need to copy them to the export directory.
High Compression: High compression for the VU3 archive file.
Test Archive: In case you might encounter a problem with the VU3 archive file.
Test Bitmaps: Check bitmap files. Use it if you think you have somehow damaged bitmap files.
Test Objects: Check a few properties on the objects.
Ignore Region: Always remove any render region to avoid any trouble (some users often forget to remove them before preparing the project with RANCHecker)
Do Not Reload: In case you don’t want RANCHecker to reload your scene at the end of the RANCHecking process.
Custom Project Name: If you want to set a custom project name (not based on the scene name). It will open a window allowing to set the name (18 chars max.) after you press Prepare Project.
Always use MultiCam: In case you never use the MultiBand method (strips rendering).
Folder Name: the folder name for your assets
Login: FTP login
Password: FTP password
Network Path: Useful if you want to render your heaviest projects (over 10 GB up to hundreds GB)