Bench Scores
We need to compare the performance of your computer with ours to estimate the render time and cost of your projects. To do so, we use the score of benchmark programs which evaluate the computers’ performances.
CineBench is a benchmark developed by Maxon which assesses the power of your processor. It’s compatible with Windows and Mac
It is used for the estimation of your project that will be rendered on the CPU farm. You can choose between versions R23, R20 and R15.
- Download Cinebench
- Access the CPUs list and their scores (please use Multi-core score)
OctaneBench is a benchmark developed by OTOY which assesses the power of your graphic cards. It’s only compatible with CUDA cards for Windows, Mac et Linux.
It is used for the estimation of your project that will be rendered on the GPU farm. You can choose between versions 2020.1 and 4.00c
(experimental support)
LuxMark is a benchmark developed by LuxCoreRender. It’s compatible with all kind of cards for Windows, Mac and Linux.
It is used for the estimation of your project that will be rendered on the GPU farm. We only support version 3. Please use the LuxBall HDR scene for the estimation.
For the moment, you have to contact us with a screenshot of your score, so we can convert it in OctaneBench points.