Important: Before rendering a complete project on the RANCH, be sure to run a test rendering.
Run a test rendering of 3 to 15 significant frames of your project on the farm.
This will help you check that:
All your assets, caches, render parameters are generating the expected results on the Farm.
The rendering time and price of your project fits within the cost estimator.
The memory consumption does not exceed the maximum of the server (RAM and VRAM)
Check your .vub archive
To be sure your assets and cache files are loaded correctly and packed accordingly in the .vub archive.
1 – Use the last version of the Blender RANCHecker
Check that the lastest version of the Blender RANCHecker is installed.
2 – No special characters
Avoid all the specials characters and spaces in your the folders and files names. Only use alphanumerical sign [A..Z][a..z][0..9] and “-” or “_”.
Example: ELETRO3D Projet/Cuisine & éléctroménager/76XDR.blend – should be written – ELETRO3D_Projet/Cuisine_and_electromenager/76XDR.blend In French “Cuisine & éléctroménager” means “Kitchen & household electrical appliances”
3 – Apply Modifiers
Modifiers could take a long time to process before the rendering starts. Applying the modifiers will reduce the global rendering time and by extension the price.
4 – Import linked scenes in main scene
Linked scenes are supported by BAT function but classic RANCHecker will not work yet with them.
To prepare your project
If needed, import referenced or linked scenes into your main scene, (This may highly increased the .blend size : please save it under a new name)
Select all
Objects → Relations → Make Local → All
Use the function:
File → External data → pack Ressources
File → External data → pack linked libraries
Save your scene
Select the directory where your archive will be generated with the “Destination” option, then click on the “Create Archive” button. It will check your scene and create a .vub archive with all the required files for the rendering.
Finally, you can upload this project (the .vub archive) on the RANCH farm, to run the rendering.