For the moment, Blender RANCHecker does not automatically add all external files inside the .vub archive. Hereunder the automatically packed external files:
Images sequences
Add Others caches format:
For the other external files, some manual steps are required to properly render your caches::
Put your caches in the same location than your scene (you can add a subfolder if you want, ex: cache/
Set relative path for your caches in your Blender scene.(ex: //…\cache\
If you have multiple caches you can use the function: File > External Data > Make Paths Relative
Create the .vub with RANCHecker.
The VUB archive created by RANCHecker, is actually a ZIP file renamed into “.vub”. So you can insert manually your caches inside it, by following those quick steps :
Open the VUB archive with 7zip (right-click > open with: 7zip manager)
Drag & drop your “cache” directory inside the VUB
Drag & drop your .blend scene inside the VUB
Use linked scenes
For the moment, classic RANCHecker does not support automatically the linked scenes. However from version 1.3.4, RANCHecker embebbed Blender Asset Tracer (BAT) module which provides another way to collect assets and support linked scenes rendering. To use BAT, you just have to enable it in the RANCHecker’s add-on preferences.
If you cannot use BAT, you need to follow the steps below:
Put all your scenes and others external assets in the same folder than the main scene.
Reconnect the previous scenes and assets with relative paths
RANCHeck your main scenes
Open the VUB with 7zip (right-click > open with: 7zip manager) and drag & drop the linked scenes and their external assets to the root of the VUB