RANCHecker add-on shows up in the sidebar. You can unfold this tab by pressing “N”.
Menus :
Prepare project
Destination : Check this option to select the directory where your .vub will be saved.
Create Archive : Check your scene and create a .vub archive of your project.
Upload project
Those parameters are only usable if RANCHSync is launched and connected
Priority: Select the render priority on the farm, by default the cheapest one is set after preparing the project.
Test frames: Send 3 tests frames in rendering without modifying the full frame range (the first, the middle and the last frame of the frame range)
Skip email: Do not receive the puploade project emails.
Update RANCHecker : Automatically search for updates on the RANCH Computing website and install it.
After updating, press F8 to reload the add-ons.
Log window
RANCHecker log display the information, warnings and errors. If you do not see the RANCHecker log, you could find the information in the Blender log(Windows > Toggle System Console)
Tips and tricks
Verification process can take some time depending on the scene settings and files size.
Through the verification/packing process, RANCHecker will :
Check your render settings
Change some settings for optimization
Save a new scene and the needed assets into a temporary folder
Archive this folder into a .vub file
Reload your original scene.
Thus, if your scene takes time to save/load, it will also increase the time for RANCHecker to do all this checking/archiving process.