There are several denoisers available by default with the renderers.
CPU denoisers:
Oidn (Open Image denoiser)
GPU denoisers:
OptiX (Nvidia AI denoiser)
Unlike the CPU denoisers that also work with GPU scenes, the denoisers GPU will not work on CPU projects because the RANCH CPU farm do not have graphic card.
Your CPU project will be invalid with Arnold but not with Vray. If OptiX is detected, Vray will automatically choose Oidn.
Due to the farm system restrictions and the Renderman workflow, the Rendermandenoiser will not work.
However, with the “Denoise” option checked, you will be able to run Renderman standalone denoiser on your computer on the images received from RANCHSync.
The denoise.exe runner is avalaible in the RenderManProServer-XX.X/bin folder. You can also run it from Maya > Renderman > Tools > Denoiser
You can also use an external denoiser.
Due to Altus denoiser workflow, this denoiser will not work on the farm.